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Eligibility for Training

Review our eligibility requirements

AERO Missions is solely a missionary pilot flight training ministry, working specifically with individuals who believe God has called them to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) using the tool of aviation.  If you are interested in pursuing a career in aviation (i.e. airline pilot, corporate pilot, etc.), we recommend that you contact your local flight school, flying club, or nearby university for assistance in getting started with your training.

For those interested in training at AERO Missions, please review the following information as you consider your next steps in preparing to be a missionary pilot:

AERO Missions Requirements -- General

  • Have a personal testimony of having received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior

  • Be a current, active member of a Bible-believing church and regularly involved in ministry

  • Meet one or more of the following: (1) be affiliated with a mission board of like faith; or (2) be currently enrolled in a Christian college of like faith; or (3) be currently working in a ministry of like faith; and (4) have a personal calling to the ministry/mission field

  • Submit a completed Application for Candidacy to AERO Missions

  • Submit a signed Letter of Intent to AERO Missions

  • Submit a signed Doctrinal Statement Agreement and Ministry Guidelines Agreement to AERO Missions

  • Provide AERO Missions with written references from (1) either your pastor, mission board director, or college dean; (2) either a former employer or college professor; and (3) a personal reference of your choice (excluding family members)

  • Contact AERO Missions to schedule an interview

AERO Missions + FAA Requirements

  • Be 21 years of age or older and have completed your sophomore of college (exceptions may be granted)

  • Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language

  • Be a citizen of the United States or have completed the required TSA application and received approval for training as a non-citizen

  • Hold a valid, current, Third-Class medical certificate (or meet the BasicMed requirements found on

Application and Forms

Visit our APPLICATION page under the TRAINING tab on this site to access the following forms:  Application for Training, Letter of Intent, Doctrinal Statement Agreement, Ministry Guidelines Agreement, and Reference Forms.


The AERO Missions Doctrinal Statement and Ministry Guidelines are also available on the APPLICATION page.

NOTE:  Our annual Summer Internship Program applications are specific to that program, and eligible individuals should follow and submit all information in that packet.  Internship applications are revised each year and will be made available by September 1st each year for the following summer's program.

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PO Box 304, Sylacauga, AL 35150

© 2024 by AERO Missions, Inc.

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